Saturday, September 19, 2009

Appreciate Depreciate Fabricate Emulate

A couple days ago SCATS put up a post about Staff Appreciation Day being put on by the PTA and how they are looking for volunteers.

Of course the comments ran faster than a 1st grader's nose in March. Actually, the blog was posted because of comments on another post that steered the discussion that way, so it's really no surprise that the hits kept a comin'. We even got to hear from a teacher in the district, and not one who just posted one rant and ran away. Heated exchanges ensued? Sure. But readable for good reasons.

I would have loved loved LOVED to have heard from someone who has a family member in the GCSD and could actually admit that their relative was a selfish slacker. It always seems like when I am talking to a family with a teacher in it, people tell stories about how their family member's colleagues suck, but not the family member him/herself. Oh no, that family member is a good one. Well now that can't possibly be true, can it? Someone has to have the loser family member! Really, the way some of these blog posts go, it should a lot of someones.

So my question to the people complaining about teachers - last I checked, there were a LOT of teachers out there. So it would stand to reason that you might know one outside of the setting of being the teacher of one of your kids. So what do you think of THAT teacher? Are you all complaining because you are related to or know a teacher who is a loser, or because you are related to or know a teacher who is the only NON-loser? Just curious.


Anonymous said...

Just an FYI ~~ That thread is still VERY active ... posts are coming in regularly even at this late hour. It is a hot button topic that has evolved into a discussion about salaries, benefits, work conditions, parenting, etc.

Anonymous said...

I know a teacher who said to me she can't wait for tenure because then she doesn't have to go to ice cream socials and other stuff she considers "playing the game".

Anonymous said...

To 2:55PM ~~ WOW!

I hope she isn't dealing with young kids!

Anonymous said...

Part time work, full time pay.

LeRogueBlogger said...

I personally know 4 teachers but we have never really discussed their philosophies regarding the job. I bet if they were all in the same room I would hear some stories though!

Anonymous said...

You forgot deficate.