Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The tale of 2 blogs

Once upon a time someone decided to start a blog. Then, a few years later, someone else did too.

So, what's the problem? I sure don't have one. I like reading different blogs.

MY problem WITHIN blogs is that I don't like:
1. Hypocrisy
2. Making a statement of "fact" based on speculation
3. The absence of retractions when they are needed

Doing any of those three things really says more about you than about the subject of your blog.

My solutions for the big bad blog world:

1. If you see someone doing something you think is wrong, then you can of course call them out on it. But you should also then REFRAIN from doing it yourself. Or, if you are also "guilty", leave the other person alone, already!

2. Preface your statements with "I think" when you can't give proof to back it up. You can even add in why you think it. For example: "I THINK LeRogueBlogger is from Canada because of all the 'ehs' in the posts" versus "LeRogueBlogger IS from Canada because I stamped their passport while they were simultaneously crossing the border and posting a blog on their iPhone" versus "LeRogueBlogger is a filthy Canuck". The first example employs CYA, the second sounds more credible and the third sounds like you had nothing of substance to say but just HAD to say SOMEthing.

3. If I come to your house and show you my birth certificate, then maybe a nice "whoopsie" is in order?

For all the talk about lawyers, to me it is really more of a "Blogger's Code". It is really hard to prove slander or libel, especially when the statements made are true.


Anonymous said...

canajen eh?
me too
how about those leafs?

LeRogueBlogger said...

How aboot their nice winning streak, eh? Maybe Buffalo will snap it tonight though.

Anonymous said...

The lawyer is probably as real as the ultra rich ceo that bank roles the posing club!

Anonymous said...

It makes you wonder why didn't the lawyer tell Beckieboo how to avoid her plagiarism problems?

Anonymous said...

I just love how everyone who disagrees with her is supposedly the same person. Because there can't be more than one person who thinks her tactics are wrong.

By the same token, I submit that her, Diane, JC and every anonymous who supports her can all be the same person!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

So lets see, Beckiboo is having an episode of Multiple Personality Disorder brought about by her bra strap digging in.

Over on the SCRAPS Blog the king of Feline Pine is still hiding because he doesn't understand public officials and candidates can't sue, while he trys tinkling on the dopey kid candidate.

Swine 1 is running up and down the centerline of Dorsey screaming how the Canadians never would have invaded if only the Stupidvisor hadn't given his Police Yacht & automatic weapons to the Sheriff.

The UAW and United Teachers are having alate night meeting to round up a few more bucks for another campaign mailing saying nothing, and Dan Meloni is hopeing the people who knew him from GM won't talk.

Roger Rabbit is over at the Schoolhouse wondering which way is up.

Stupidintendand Stupidovich is hopeing to get a new contract and get out of Greece before anything else is found, or another class who can't read their Diploma must be graduated, and if he doesn't can he get Welfare to register the Class of 2010 on Greece Central grounds.

Damn, Greece is a fun town.

LeRogueBlogger said...

And over here a poster is stealing my idea about blogging about blogs. Where's that patent pending notice...I thought I had it somewheres.

Anyone can sue but not everyone can win.

Anonymous said...


Just for fun, Google some of the unusual phrases.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Not to worry SCAMS, people know who you are from your O de litterbox purfume.

Gee, what will you meow about next? You could follow on the Moscato Bay crapola by asking Joey about the good old days when he and Clark floated in the Department boat and fished most of the afternoon while they pretended to be the Marine Patrol.

Maybe you could ask Joey to tell us of the money a previous administration blew dredging the Bay, and how the DPW destroyed a donated dredge because they didn't know how to operate it. Nothing like an 18 year old politician's kid playing with a $200,000 toy.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Looks like SCATS is getting declawed. Any real response to what 8:36 posted SCATS?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

If this venom keeps up we will all have to move to Cobourg eh? Then we can take advantage of our universal Canadian health Care to get some group counseling. Did you know there used to be slow ferry to Cobourg (look it up)

Uncle Rico or his relatives (literal and figurative) should go blow smoke on Monroe Writhing or some such.

It's getting very boring.

LeRogueBlogger said...

8:36 PM-

I've said on SCATS' blog that I like Joe. I can tell you don't! That's OK but your comment sounds like you think you already know the answers.

Anonymous said...

You're right SCAMS, you don't know squatt, you haven't been around town long enough to know squatt, and you don't listen worth a damn.

Yep, Rochester & Coburg steamship line, the owner built a lovely little summer place at 710 Latta Rd, now the office of a residential facility. The company operated 2 boats carrying coalcars North. SCAMS can tell you all about it.

Hell, SCAMS doesn't even remember when Swine 1 had to give all his nice machine guns up or the dirty little deal when Greece PD bought their yacht from Rochester Marine after intimidating the low bidder to withdraw.

How about the bullet hole thru Swine 1s office window, or the bullet holes in the wall of his house, tell us about them SCAMS. Go dig up some old Greece Posts and you can copy the stories.

Anonymous said...

history lessons? who cares?

Anonymous said...

3:24, is that you GP?

Anonymous said...

To 8:36 on 9/24 - If there was ever anyone who didn't know squatt (sic), it's you.

First, I've known Joe since he has lived in Greece and I can assure you he never went fishing all day in the marine boat. Joe has never fished in his life, doesn't own a pole and thinks it's terribly boring. I know, because I've asked him to join me several times.

Secondly the Boily administration got a state grant to buy the first dredge (that's no cost to tax payers), it was a used dredge and didn't cost anywhere near $200,000. They used it successfully for several years until Auberger came along and then all bets were off. They sold the dredge and kept the money. The marina owner bought his own dredge, but the Town under Auberger refused to help with costs.

So all in all, 8:36, everything you have said is an outright lie.

Anonymous said...

Well 5:01, you can certainly spew misstatements, but I knew Clark when he was slicing coldcuts in Hilton before he became a cop and I knew Joe from the day he became a Greece Cop.

I also know the complete history of the Greece PD Marine Division evolving from a 16 foot aluminum boat on Salmon Creek behind Clark's house, and who was assigned to the boat.

Try spewing some more crap! Tell me about how a Lt in the Department who was also a salesman at Rochester Marine worked the deal so his comission on the fiberglass yacht didn't show up on the books.

Greece didn't buy the dredge, it was given to the Town by a Fed agency, but Greece damn well blew a boatload of money on operation of said dredge. You got any idea what a cutterhead or fuel costs?

Maybe you should go back and check the dredging permits too.

Anonymous said...

2:20am sounds like he needs another drink.

Anonymous said...

So sorry 2:24, you're wrong again. I know who you're referring to as Clark (may he rest in peace) and its true the first marine boat was an aluminum boat on Salmon Creek, however, you lied when you said they spent the day fishing - NOT TRUE, at least on Joe's part.

The State of New York gave a grant of money to the Town of Greece to dredge the outlet into Braddock Bay, I believe during the Riley administration, carrying on into Boily's administration. Giving them credit for keeping their promises to the State and taxpayers, they did, in fact, dredge the outlet for many successful years.

Along comes Auberger, who knows nothing about the beautiful resource the bay is, and using his typical thinking of what will buy him votes, and thinking there aren't that many boaters, he sells the dredge paid for by the State of New York and keeps the money and lets the bay go to hell in a handbasket.

As faar as your baloney about a salesman at a boat dealer, what has that got to do with anything? Except, of course, all done under the corrupt Republican administration in this Town.

I agree with the blogger who says, you probably need another drink. Your information spewed is skewed.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately to your theory, I haven't had a drink in over 35 years.

As I have said the original provided dredge was destroyed by incompetent employees.

The dredging function was turned over to the marina operator as part of his contract, and that operator failed to perform. In his defense, dredging of the bay became alot more difficult thanks to the change in Lake level mandated by the international regulator. Rhere is an abundance of record proving that statement since 2000. Even the Genesee River outlet is suffering from deposit formations believed to be caused by Lake level change.

There is also record of extensive discussion of the possible necessity to move the Braddock Bay outlet after 2000 because dredging was not able to keep up with deposit from the Lake. The overall body of thinking from all levels was that further dredging was neither cost effective or able to sustain a channel. Of course that information wasn't generated by politicians, it was generated by people who understood dredging.

Here is another Great Corruption Scandal for you Dimwitcrats to spew, the crookid corrupt Boiley misadministration never completed the golf corse the State began before abandoning Braddock's Bay Park to the Town. Boiley and his criminally convicted Deputy couldn't even locate all the topsoil that the State removed. Hairburger didn't even look for the topsoil.

Care to go back to the corrupt Riley misadmionistration? Lets cry about Don screwing all the residents of the Free School District in that little deal with the Mayor of Rochester.

How about Vince Tofany or Fred Eckert? Want to go back there?

Sorry, but I have yet to meet anyone who worked with the Irish windbag the Democraps put up who has a good thing to say about him as a Union leader. Were there an option to vote for None of the Above I'd damn sure pull that lever.

Anonymous said...

Moscato has no idea what he's talking about and Dan Baloney is going along because can't think of anything to do on his own, or at all for that matter. Hence no positve introduction of what he'll do for the town. He's just sitting back and waiting for Auberger to sneeze and then he runs out and holds a press conference and begs the press to give him some more free airtime.

With Joe Moscato advising Maloney on how to run town government, God help us if they win this November.

Anonymous said...

rj and dg are gone on another lengthy tryst leaving rj's blog unattended again..........what will the lawyer think?

Anonymous said...

Hey September 26, 2009 5:01 PM

Did you happen to catch Joe on Cable 12 tonight? If you did you would have heard him clearly state between snott snorts that he commanded the Marine Unit, and that even though (SNORT) he still keeps a boat on the River, he no longer fishes. (SNORT)

Since you know Joe so well you might want to tell him that nasty microphone picks up every snort, and the camera caught the nose picking too. He seems short on campaign funds so you could donate a box of Kleenex.

Aparently Cable 12 has a little problem editing both audio or video.

Anonymous said...

Ever have a cold?

Anonymous said...

le rogue:

Are you hiding out in Toronto or something?

Anonymous said...

Looks like a slow week in Blaaah land.
Lerogue has been captured by Beckie & the representative of Lesbains for SnapOn Tools/County Leg Candidate, and has been locked in the back room of a beauty shop behind an abandoned firehouse without access to a computer.

The King of FelinePine SCAMS is showing more and more that he has been bought off by Candidate Baloney, or has once more partaken of too much catnip, and is publishing child drwan overdubs of campaign literature.

Next week we can look forward to SCAMS proving John Hairburger contaminated the pickel barrel at Shallers, sunk the Titanic in the Lake, hired a Superdetective who can't find anything but a paycheck, and was Roger Rabbit's puppetmaster when Rascaly Roger was Stupidvisor.

How the hell did all the pundits miss Hairburger moving his girlfriend from the GCSD payroll to the Town payroll so she could be close to him around the clock?

Meanwhile, the political sign installers have been running around town planting their little wire and cardboard contraptions. Seems like Team Baloney is seeking desperately to get one of theirs within 100 feet of every ne Hairburger manages to plant. It almost seems like somebody is running around asking people if they'd like to annoy a neighbor. Aparently everybody is going cheap on this election given the low sign density.

Anonymous said...

Do you think this blogger died or something?