Friday, September 18, 2009

Do I even need to write a blog today?

I wasn't going to write today, since I am still so shook up about the accusation of my morality. I thought, what if THIS is the post that pushes me on to the eternal naughty list?

But then I realized that this is the path all great bloggers have probably traveled and that I am in fine company even if I am not yet up to their level of greatness.

Personal attacks when they are untrue are called what?
Personal attacks when they are true are called what?
Personal attacks are the same as dissenting opinions?
I'm sooo confused, who oh who can enlighten me?


Anonymous said...

Q - Personal attacks when they are untrue are called what?
A - Lies.

Q - Personal attacks when they are true are called what?
A - Personal attacks.

Q - Personal attacks are the same as dissenting opinions?
A - Only if the personal attack is written.

Anonymous said...

I have to say as for
Q- dissenting opions, or statement of actual facts that ,ay directly contradict another poster ( on some blogs) may be deemed a personal attack

Anonymous said...

I see a certain someone's blog is vewy, vewy qwiet today ........ maybe licking her wounds.....

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious. Especially the comments from SCATS. Who lets people attack on a daily basis. That's like calling the kettle black. That's why I no longer read it or post anything there.

Hope this blog isn't turning into another one like his where all they do is complain. That would be a shame Le Rogue. Because you have so much going for you. You are really hilarious. You could do stand up comedy.

Anonymous said...

To 1:04PM ~~ I knew that was coming so I'm prepared. After refreshing my memory on the topic of LIBEL and LIBEL WITH MALICE, what it boils down to is this:
For those who are politicians, or otherwise choose to be in the public eye, the spectrum of what is permitted under the law is MUCH broader than for Joe Citizen who is unknown by the masses.

Anonymous said...

Of late morality is such a misunderstood and manipulated word, who really cares unless you're a child mollestor?

Where would the Counseling industry be were morality still truly in fashion? For that matter the trial baloon industry as well?

Is it moral for the POTUS croud to stage a shoplifting trip for Michelle and then the "media" to pawn off the story as a spur of the moment run to the farmer's market for some overpriced greens?

Is it moral for SCATSipoo to claim to have rules and change them as quickly as he fills his litterbox?

Anonymous said...

"Scatsipoo" must be doing something right. He gets all the attention. And comments. And dialog. And even from the same people who claim they don't read or care. Right 1:04 (aka Jason O'Rourke)?

Anonymous said...

According to Google profile views:

SCATSipoo 4600
(that's huge!)

LeRogueBlogger 840
(OMG in only a week? Soon you'll be a BLOG Diva)

RJ 130
(BUT she had 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 visitors!!!!!!!!!!!)

Anonymous said...

Bekiboo pansied out on a lot of posts that didn't extoll the virtues of the UAW Irish Windbag.

Anonymous said...

I don't know which is more insulting. Her "lies", or the insinuation that her readers will automatically believe them. Then again, it seems like some of them do. Or maybe it is just loyalty so they turn a blind eye to it. But actions like hers do not increase her credibility factor. Which is a shame because some of her ideas and political stances are great.

Anonymous said...

To 7:23PM ~~ Hmmm... interesting. I had no idea about the count. Are you implying that "size" matters? LOL

LRB ~~ Be proud! That's a ton of profile views in such a short time! Way to go!!

Anonymous said...

Bekiboo? Are we two years old now?

LeRogueBlogger said...

In seriousness:

1:04 PM-
I think that after people get their initial frustrations vented out, it will probably calm down, but you never know. We don't need to hear/see the same complaining posts over and over but if there are new issues that they want "brought to light" I guess we'll see.

7:23 PM (anon) and 8:03 PM (SCATS)-
I don't know about validity of profile views. I bet most of mine came from people clicking on my name in comments on other blogs, as a passthrough to finding the actual blog. But it is kinda cool!

7:51 PM-
On an anti-Auberger and pro-Maloney blog I wouldn't expect any criticisms of Maloney. It would be nice for a blog somewhere to have other people's criticisms of Maloney addressed and debunked (if possible) in a factual manner that could actualy sway votes in his favor. Passion for your candidate is great but over-zealousness to the point of closed-mindedness doesn't always help advance a cause.

7:52 PM-
Sometimes I wonder if putting your real name on something makes you more or less legitimate. I guess it depends on your history, who knows your history, and if the people who know agree with your past actions or not.

9:00 PM-
I thought it was a funny take off on vewy vewy qwiet and SCATSipoo. I'll get in on that. SCATSipoo, Bekiboo, and Rogueiroo too. Kinda reminds me of "ickle me pickle me tickle me too" by Shel Silverstein

Anonymous said...

To LRB ~~ I think "ickle" and "pickle" are two words that should never be used together ... IMHO of course ;)

LeRogueBlogger said...

gotta love children's poems!

Anonymous said...

Regarding using real names on the internet ~~ It suddenly dawned on me that in days (and weeks) of late, the people who are behaving poorest on these BLOGS are the ones using their real names! Even worse, they're talking about other private citizens using real life details and initials in an effort to somehow elevate themselves because ... they came online using real names to trash talk other people ...? They really should think twice before they put their names on anything else. Lawsuits may be flying soon.

Anonymous said...

Lets see, Mr Litterbox is hiding in his FelinePine because he's scared a process server will be showing up at his door.

Beckieboo is printing the media releases from the Dimwitcrats. Oh gosh, as some dingbat was walking door to door somebody told her drugs were being sold in the hood. Whoopie Doo, She'll be getting right on that, now that she knows a new spot to score.

Meanwhile, the hairdresser had himself some literature printed up after his picture was well airbrushed, aren't the hairdressers a cute family? She works at the Motor Vehicle office so they can have health insurance, and he hasn't opened the beauty shop since going to County Leg.

And what's UAW Boy doing, why he's writing propoganda for Beckiboo's blog. Strangely his self opinion doesn't match the opinion UAW members have of him.

And, the Lesbian Rights Teacher Union candidate who may or may not live in Greece, but owns no property in town, what's up with her?

Good lord, did both parties pick candidates after a drunken slapoff at a local bar? Gunnies denies letting them in for any meetings.